Touch Fastening Casual ShoeTouch Fastening Casual ShoePavers
Cosy Tartan SlippersCosy Tartan SlippersEasyFit
Extra Wide Fit Touch-Fasten Boat ShoesExtra Wide Fit Touch-Fasten Boat ShoesArbitro
Touch-Fasten Leather ShoesTouch-Fasten Leather ShoesPavers
Anti-Bacterial Touch Fasten SlippersAnti-Bacterial Touch Fasten SlippersPavers
Touch-Fasten SandalsTouch-Fasten SandalsPavers
Adjustable Leather Walking SandalsAdjustable Leather Walking SandalsEasyFit
Extra Wide Fit Touch Fastening SlippersExtra Wide Fit Touch Fastening SlippersEasyFit
Augustus Touch Fastening SlippersAugustus Touch Fastening SlippersPadders
Padders 'Oliver' Extra Wide K/L Fitting SlipperPadders 'Oliver' Extra Wide K/L Fitting SlipperEasyFit
Extra Wide Fit SlippersExtra Wide Fit SlippersEasy to fasten and fully adjustable, our collection of men’s adjustable shoes has the classic styles to suit every occasion. Shop everything from men’s adjustable shoes suitable for swollen feet, smart leather shoes, t…